Jan 27, 2012


After having felt like I couldn't catch up with my knitting, it's starting to feel better.  Listening to a well-told novel and giving myself the gift a little time has done me a world of good.

I'm making some progress on my WIPs here ....

Autumnal (sleeve #2)

Berocco Ultra Alapaca in Mahogany Mix

and here ...

Alexandra Cowl (original pattern)

I hope you're making happy progress on your projects, too.


  1. Ah yes time. The best gift.
    I've started working on a sweater in Ultra Alpaca, too. :D

  2. Ooohhh....the sleeves look great!! But I absolutely love the Alexandra Cowl pattern....:-)

  3. You're right on the mark about audiobooks.
    We love them here at this house.

    Your sweater is looking GORGEOUS.

    and Cowl in a beautiful color, too.


  4. They both look great! Are you going to release that cowl pattern? I have some handspun yarn that I bought on Etsy on the way to me in the mail and I think it would look really good in that pattern.

    1. Thanks for the compliment. Yes, my plan is to write up the pattern and release it soon. Keep an eye out!

  5. You're going to be able to finish your sweater and get some wear out of it this winter yet! Yay!

  6. Terrific progress. That mahogany is really nice. Like those well-defined twists in the cowl.

  7. The cowl is looking great so far!

  8. woo hoo! Is that the second sleeve, or are you doing them both together?

    Love the cowl.

  9. Looking good! I've been wearing my Autumnal a lot - we've had a cold snap here too and the weight of yarn I used is perfect. Can't wait to see yours!!!

  10. Ugh sleeves, they take forever. But it will be totally worth it.

  11. Yeah to progress! All of these are looking lovely. They will be finished soon enough and they will be amazing.

  12. ooh, you're making great progress on both!! I spent a frustrating weekend trying to work on a new pattern, but it just wasn't coming together. Blegh.

  13. I am the lucky Alexandra that Evelyn knitted the cowl for! I can't say enough about how fabulous it is. The pattern is so pretty, it is delicate and super warm. The way the cowl folds and lays flat but has enough body to make the sulptural structure interesting is great! I am so happy! Thank you Evelyn! Super cool.

  14. I'm cowl obsessed. Yours looks very lovely!
