Dec 2, 2011

The Cardigan Chronicles -- Day 19

A couple of blog posts ago, I wrote about a new method to join new yarn that helps to avoid weaving in ends.  It's a method that I've begun to use regularly, but I'm always happy to be shown a new method which is exactly what Justyna recently did for me.  This method is called the Russian Join, and I saw it as I was about to join yet another new cake to my cardigan.  It worked like a dream!  Try it (and thanks, Justyna).


  1. Excellent! Thanks for finding all these tips for us, Evelyn! I used the knotted join you showed us the other day, and it worked like a charm.

  2. Yet another great tip love, thank you!

  3. I need to try that when I work on my Polly cardi again b/c I hate weaving in ends.

  4. Thanks for this new tip and trick! I have been using it ever since I saw your video link! Thanks.
